For learning Bahasa Indonesia in our BIPA course at LBIPU, we have cusomized program that season of the study is based on request. Every season of study spends 4 (four months) as it quals of one level of study.
Our learning program serves 4 language skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing) and Culture class. Not only that, you will also have tradtional dance (Javanese) dance class in each week. You will work with all trained and certified lecturers on Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers that this situation may allow you explore you thirst of language skills and cultural knowledge about Indonesia.
To accompany and to ease the students in training their language skills, we also organize outing-class as you will know better about Indonesian life and culture in the nearby of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Regarding learning Indonesian culture, we want to leave gratifying experience during your journey of learning in our place. We will bring you into authentic resources of learning such as learning the making of batik in the nearby Kampoeng Batik, learning gamelan in our university gamelan laboratory and learning traditional dance. All those culture skills are tutored by professional artist in its area.
Course fee per 4 months | US $1.250 | Account number :0361205190 Account name : M. Thoyibi BNI Branch : Slamet Riyadi Solo Swiftcode : BNINIDJASLO |
Registration | US $ 15 | |
Placement Test (*) | US $ 17 |
*Placement test is optional
*Additional charges may be applied to join the outing classes when you have not obtained your Visa (KITAS).
*We are happy to hold Gamelan (Javanese traditional music) for a group of students/participants as an extracuricular, however this class is optional that may charge the participants with additional cost. This class can only be held with minimum 4 participants with US $300/term for 16 meetings (once a week within 4 months).
Please pay attention to the bank charges. For any bank charges (including from bank sender and receiver) will be the student candidate’s responsibility.
– Please put your full name on the bank receipt.
– Payment receipt can be submitted via email (Attached).
FROM : (Applicant’s Email Address) TO : Subject : Payment Receipt BIPA (Level)* Email Content : (Join / Passed to / Repeat)** BIPA (level)*(Information about the Student) Name : Phone Number : E-mail address : Class : ——————————————————————————- Note: *Fill with level; whether BIPA 1, 2 or 3 **Choose one |
This program works on demand-basis. We therefore will charge you based on the length of the program and sum of outing-class during the course.
Most of all, we are more than happy to assist you in providing further information related to the course. Should you have further questions or assistance, be pleased to contact us at:
LBIPU Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Jl. Ahmad Yani, Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta, 57102
Ph. +62 271-717417, ext. 2129, 2179
E-mail. (Contact Person)